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Jason Edwards

Stats: 6’0”   178 lbs
Degree: BA Psychology, New Paltz State

MA Education, Manhattanville College

Born: Glen Cove, NY
Lives in: NY Metro Area
Performs at schools and libraries across the nation

Brief Bio

      Award-winning author Jason Edwards is a man of many hats – a characteristic that serves him well, as he is able to bring to bear his talents and skills as a scholar, educator, stage performer, coach, and writer to create some unique and distinctive responses to dealing with issues of concern to parents, children, and educators alike.

Jason’s philosophy is not, in and of itself, unique: he believes that CHILDREN LEARN BY DOING.  As a result, he spent years as a teacher, dedicated himself to creating child-centered, interactive lessons.  But the best intentions can be useless unless one is able to put them to use in a practical way, and in this, Jason consistently excels. He has demonstrated a unique gift for applying his creativity to meeting the educational needs of students.   


     For example, several years ago, Jason was called upon by librarians

to help them teach library research skills.  Due to cutbacks, many

librarians had far less time with students, and yet had more that they

were required to teach them.  The traditional way of teaching about how the library is organized, and how to locate book on different subjects, was too time consuming, and for many students, too BORING as well.  In response, Jason created a program in which children would have a grand adventure, but which would slyly teach them library research skills in just one session.  He created the MONSTER HUNT.  In this program, students develop research skills as they are guided through the process of using the library catalog and the Dewey Decimal System to locate books that have hidden clues that will help them track down and capture a lurking monster!  Every participant has a separate set of clues to find – there is never any competing over clues, and so every child succeeds.  In the end, all of the clues are shared, and used to plot the way the the monster’s secret lair.  Once the monster is captured, everyone is rewarded with their very own Monster Detective Badge!  This program has been so successful that Jason has been called upon to perform it at over 100 schools and libraries.


     Similarly, Jason’s books are also sly educational.  His frighteningly

funny chapter book Will Allen and the Great Monster Detective,

which for all appearances is simply a humorous fantasy/mystery story,

actually is designed to help children learn how to overcome irrational

fears by modeling, in a non-threatening, non-preachy way, the steps

for dealing with anxieties.  It was this, in part, that earned the book

the Mom’s Choice Award for Family Friendly Media,

as well as an endorsement from the Anxiety Disorders Association of America.


     Jason’s talent for addressing issues to both children and adults alike has earned him wide aclaim, and been featured in various media all across the country including the NY Daily News, Talk of Connecticut radio, the New Jersey Observer, The Arkansas Daily Gazzette, and Sirius Satellite Radio.

Walt Whitman High School, Huntington, NY


Member of the Inaugural Class of the University of Delaware's Freshman Honors Program


Bachelor of Science - New Paltz State College


Master of Arts - Manhattanville College


NYS Permanent Teaching Certification


NYS Athletic Coaching Certification


Reading, Writing, and 'Rithmatic.


Also, playing and coaching Baseball, Volleyball, and Basketball.  


Tracking and capturing monsters (though I usually need a lot of help from Junior Monster Detectives)


Creating InterACTIVE enrichment programs and just producing general mayhem.


Recipient of the Ted Williams Camp's infamous 'Most Hustle' Award

Awarded Honors Scholarship to attend University of Delaware's inaugural Freshman Honors Program

Earned Degree with Distinction from New Paltz State College

League Batting Champion, BBSL 1985

Recipient of the Mom's Choice Award for Family Friendly Media

Gold Medalist - Track and Field, NY Empire State Games

Finisher of two New York City Marathons


Books, Books, Books! 

Science -  fact and fiction (sometimes both at the same time)

Playing sports, including Baseball, Softball, Volleyball, and Basketball

Athletic training, including running and weight training


Cooking (some would call it experimenting)


Hobbies and Interests
Book signing at BookExpo Conference 2a.jpeg
Jason on WVOX with radio touch up 1-24a.jpg
Jason assembly in class foyer 2022c cropped1.jpg
Great Monster Detective cover 8-2014 1c FINAL.jpg


Flipped                                             Calvin & Hobbes

The Andromeda Strain                  One Night Stands with American History

The Harry Potter series                 Marvel Comics

The Lightning Thief                        We Have No Idea

Lies My Teacher Told Me               Mad Magazine


TV Shows:

Being Erica                                     The Expanse

Adam Ruins Everything               Star Trek                                          Jeopardy

Farscape                                         The Twilight Zone    

Stranger Things                             Sherlock   

Nova                                                Wheel of Fortune


© 2013 by Jason Edwards.   All rights reserved.

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